Mime Theatre

The Chameleons are Keith Berger and Sharon Diskin, two of the foremost performers of mime and movement-based theater in the world today. They have performed their critically acclaimed programs throughout 24 countries across five continents, charming and delighting over a million children and adults. Using a combination of classical pantomime illusions, sound effects, music, and even the spoken word, The Chameleons transcend any one genre to create a total theatrical experience that is unforgettable for both young and old.

Mime over Matter is the duo’s spellbinding collection of short mime plays. This program has been received enthusiastically by hundreds of young audiences. It includes such favorites as Life CycleMargaret and FredUmbrellas, and, of course, The Escalator. Grades K-12

Adventures in Space is an exciting presentation that combines mime, astronomy, and the spirit of friendship to tell an incredible outer-space adventure. Two school-age characters, inspired by the scientific facts they learn in class, embark on a journey of imagination and discovery. Grades K-6

The Wonder of Words combines the magical actions of mime with the wonder of words to tell a story about a box of nouns mysteriously missing from the famous Wordheimer Museum. Nimbus the Mime finds clues among the verbs and adjectives, and assisted by the audience, puts them together to solve the mystery. Grades K-6

Fees - Matter and Space
$900 single performance
$1,100 double performance
$1,400 triple performance

Fees - The Wonder of Words
$700 single performance
$950 double performance
$1,200 triple performance

Grade Level



Sharon Diskin
(818) 676-0331


Study Guide available.